I wrote two Scriptures at the top of my journal page today.
The first is a pretty straightforward instruction: “Look to the Lord and His
strength; seek His face always.” (Psalm 105:4 NIV). The second is from Psalm 91
and refers to the angels God promises to send to “keep” us in all our ways, and
how (in part) they accomplish that: “they will lift you up in their hands so
you will not strike your foot against a stone.”( Psalm 91:12 NIV)
I have personal experience with that one. When I was in Africa
with son Kevin and his wife, Alex, I signed on for a hike to see a waterfall. It was only 1 ½
miles on a well-marked trail – no problem. I wondered why they sent two African
guides with us for such an easy stroll.
I soon found out that they were not “guides”, but angels God
had sent to literally lift me up and over the stones along the way! In my
assumption on the ease of the hike, I had pictured a horizontal trail for
some reason, not a vertical one. This one went straight down, then followed a stony
creek bed to the foot of the falls… and then back up to return to our
starting point.
I did fine going down. But traversing the stony creek bed
required a guide on either side, holding my arms as I cautiously moved from
rock to slippery rock. And for the return trip, God sent additional angels in
the form of two heavy women with small children who were in front and behind
us, likewise struggling as He knew I would be to get back up to the top of the
ravine. Our group had no choice but to take it slow!
I told a friend fighting a battle with cancer to think of
his treatment along the lines of that hike.
The initial stages might seem easily traversed. Things might get a little rocky
as he gets closer to his goal. And the return trip to good health might take
longer than he anticipated or desired. But he should never doubt that he will
get there… not because he is strong or determined… but because God knows the
path before him and has already strategically placed angels in the spots or on
the days where he might need a hand.
One has already come his way! I heard he got a lift chair
just to help him get up on days when he feels a little weak. I can’t think of a
more literal example of “lifting you up” by the armrests than that! He’s to
think of it not as a help or an angel necessarily (although it is both those
things!) so much as a promise to daily fill his life with the same.
He’s got this, because God’s got him… just as he has each of
us going through difficult times. Let those angels be like my trail guides and
earn their pay! Your recognition and appreciation of the same will surely make
God’s day.
“For he shall give
his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee
up in their hands, Lest thou dash thy foot against a stone” (Psalm 91:11-12 KJV)