Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Seasoning of My Speech

Days that are “dotted with difficulties” go down better when “seasoned with trust and thankfulness.”

I’ve been trying to use less salt. I blame my poor sense of smell for limiting the flavors I taste in foods. Maybe it’s all in my head, but I compensate for the lack in my tongue with salt sprinkled liberally on everything on my plate at the start of a meal.

I am sure my salt consumption is negatively way off the chart when considering heart health. So I decided not to eliminate it entirely, but to limit my intake by substituting spices on my food instead.

Funny, then, that I came across this sentence today in Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling devotional reading for today.: “Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness.” I like that. Apparently my thought life and my vocal interactions with God can be a little bland, as well. The solution then is to season them with words of gratitude and thanksgiving. My day will be better as a result, and my God will find my words tasty, as well.

“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 NIV)


Friday, August 16, 2024

Reminders and Remembrances

 I came across one of my “life verses” in my Bible reading this morning. 

 To me, a life verse is a Scripture passage that carried me through a difficult time, or perhaps marked a specific encounter with God. The prophet Samuel’s “Stone of Ebenezer”, which translates to “stone of help” was erected to remind the Israelites of a time when God did exactly that. And what was once Jacob’s stone pillow for a night he turned into a memorial to a meeting with God that changed his life forever. 

 That’s what 1 Samuel 1:27 is to me. 

When Jim and I were first married, we had decided that we weren’t going to bring children into our union. There was no specific reason; perhaps the fact that neither of us had a strong desire to have kids was reason enough. We simply enjoyed our life together and truly enjoyed those early years. But on a Sunday morning three years in, I suddenly changed my mind. I, too, had a meeting with God in the church service that morning that birthed in me a sudden desire to give birth to some kids! I repented of despising what God meant to be a gift and a blessing and was suddenly very receptive to the idea. 

The problem was that Jim was not. He reminded me that we had agreed to keep our marriage children-free. “But I changed my min!” I protested. “I have not,” was his retort. 

We could’ve argued and fought over the issue and destroyed the peaceful harmony in our home to date. God cautioned me not to go that route. Instead, He would cause Jim to bring the subject up himself when the time was right. All I had to do was wait. 

Two years of silent prayers went by, and then one day Jim told me he was ready for us to start a family… only to change his mind by nightfall, saying apologetically that he still was not in that place. Instead of being angry and frustrated as one might expect, I was overjoyed and filled with hope! Jim had brought the subject up on his own, using the words I was waiting for! And although he took them back mere hours later, I received them as a sign that God was working in the situation. The only way to describe how I felt at that moment is to quote what the Bible says about how a woman named Hannah reacted after making a similar plea before the Lord: “she left and ate something; she was not sad anymore.” 

Neither was I! In fact, although it took some time, my story continued to mimic hers: “Hannah became pregnant, and in time she gave birth to a son.” And it’s her words again when she gave her boy back to God that have become an “Ebenezer” in my life: “For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him” (1 Samuel 1:27 KJV). 

I’m so grateful for that memory…and especially for that child!... again today.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bragging Rights

Even after just a few treatments in his fight against leukemia, Brad’s cancer levels have already gone down 75%... an above average response. The doctor said he was “above average.” We knew that about him already, of course! He’s been an above average friend in so many ways to all of us who have known him for so many years. But I guess it adds to the bragging rights to hear those words from a medical professional who’s been studying Brad inside and out for over a week now! But God knows him even better than that, and guess what? His opinion is the same! We may be rejoicing over the news, but God is doing a happy dance. “The Lord your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; he will sing and be joyful about you.” (Zephaniah 3:17 NCV)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Summer Day

Sitting on the back deck In the beauty of the morning and my surroundings… the fresh fullness of the newly-garbed trees in the woods… the sunlight beaming on the outstretched leaves of the potted and inground plants… the birdsong filling my ears… the gentle reeze fanning my skin. I have a new-found appreciation for the setting God has set me in… to think that I get to live in this place!!... such a long-time answer to a long-ago prayer. I’m simply grateful. 

How quickly springtime is moving into summer! I feel that the days are rushing by. Ann Voskamp writes that the way to slow time is by giving thanks… that your appreciation of the moment and your gratitude for it hold it spellbound for just a minute – suspended in time - perhaps so you soak in it and absorb it into your soul… like nutrients that your body, mind, and spirit need… true soul food. 

The passage of the seasons of my life seems to be accelerating as well as I age… or maybe my appreciation of them is just deeper, aware as I am that none of us know how many “summer days” we have left to us to enjoy. 

I love what I read in fore-mentioned Ann Voskamp’s blog this morning: “The best way to prepare for what’s ahead is to be present to what is now.” And so I sit, doing exactly that. 

Every time I see a red-bellied woodpecker now and hear its throaty call, I wonder if it’s the one whose life nearly ended the other day in a crash into my patio door glass, and he is deeply thankful to be seeing and enjoying this new one. So am I. 

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." 

(Psalm 118:24)

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