Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dare to DREAM Again

When I think of dreams for the future, I picture them as clouds of white in a spacious sky, the possibilities before me as wide and open as the boundless blue in which they float. Just as clouds are continually forming, changing, and merging, so my hopes and aspirations for the future have as well as I’ve moved through my years.

When I was young, I used to fill the future with dreams as surely all kids do. By the time I got to college, my imaginations, hopes and plans had narrowed in scope until they could be pictured in a magazine photo that I kept taped above my dorm room desk to maintain my focus during those often distracting times. Meeting the man I was to eventually marry caused them to change in scope and direction again. And then came the kids!!! In the ensuing years of diapers and dishes, school and soccer, cars and jobs, any plans beyond making it through the next day, week or year gradually evaporated like the morning mist, unnoticed and unmissed once they were gone. I was simply happy in my life the way it was.

The lack became apparent to me during multiple church services in which I was encouraged to share my dreams with God. I suddenly realized I hadn’t any! Perhaps I had become so focused on the present that I had shut down my ability to ponder the future and fill it with ideas of what it might contain.

I had also changed radically in the years that had passed, a commitment to Christ gradually focusing my thoughts and desires on God and who He knew me to be. Jeremiah 29:11 assures us that God has good plans for our lives, a future filled with hope and prosperity, a destiny and purpose decided before while we were yet in our mothers’ wombs. And yet my spiritual vision has still been limited in scope.

And so He has encouraged me to allow Him to fill the vacuum in that area with possibilities that are present within my relationship with Him. When I heard the phrase “dream journal” in twice in the last couple of days, the repetition caught my attention, and the journaling idea caught my interest. I’m a huge fan of detailing what God’s doing in my life in a prayer journal I use on a daily basis. Reminding me that He is as present in my future as He is in my day-to-day, He suggested that I let Him fill my thoughts and the pages of that book with what that future might contain.

I now scan the spiritual horizon for signs of rain, as did Elijah’s servant physically at his command on Mt. Carmel so long ago. For the longest time the servant saw nothing but empty blue skies. Encouraged to keep looking, he eventually saw a cloud the size of a man’s hand off in the distance. Soon the sky filled with the same and the promised rain came pouring down.

I’m simply believing the same can happen again to me.

“For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.”
(Luke 1:37 AMP)


  1. A great post, Lanie--made me think and evaluate what my dreams currently are and how they might fit into God's plans for me. Love you!

  2. I love the idea of a prayer journal!

  3. This is a wonderful post! It's amazing how my dreams have changed as my life has changed - marriage, children, homeschooling. God has mapped out a plan for my life that, while different from the dreams I had when I was younger, has shown me where HE needs me to be.

    Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

    1. How true! His plans are the best! Thanks for reading. :)

  4. A beautiful post thank you Lanie! Such an evocative description of how our dreams continually change until our focus becomes clearer - and the power of prayer as in Elijah's servant.
    I will try the prayer journal - I keep a dream journal in which I record my dreams as I believe one's own dreams are a way to the soul as God intended.
    Thank you for this and may God's rain continue to fall upon you.

  5. I understand what you mean by aspirations. But on the other hand, the present moment is our reality and it's good to appreciate everything around you. When you're ready, and the time will come around sooner than you think, your dreams will expand.


Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate your time. :)

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