Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Weighty Thoughts

I've been feeling like a weakling lately.

I won’t even talk about the difficulty of opening bottles and jars. Let’s just say I’ve ordered a couple of gadgets off of Amazon to help with that. It was the sight of the flower basket I wanted to buy, hanging high in the sky over the petal-filled shelves below that caused me some concern. Could I reach it? Just barely… but reaching it and lifting it high enough to unhook it from the wire that held it was a combo I couldn’t manage. It was way too heavy.

I looked around for help. The one employee in the garden section of the store was running the cash register with a good number of people in line, waiting for his attention. I tried again to accomplish the deed on my own, but just couldn’t get it done.

Just then the only other shopper in the aisle asked if I needed some help. I looked at him and had my doubts about his ability to do so – he was at least as old as me, with even thinner arms. But what he had on me was height… and a kind and thoughtful heart. He was able to unhook the pot and gt it down. I thanked him for is kindness, but didn’t want to trouble him to repeat the process to grab the other three baskets I needed. I decided to purchase them elsewhere and went on to pay for what he was able to get into my cart.

Then it was the 35-lb dumbbell my son had placed in front of my patio door to keep it closed until the replacement could be installed in a week’s time. I could just barely shove it aside when I needed to open the door…a weight he could lift and raise over his head with one hand, as he proceeded to show me!

That’s okay. I’m grateful that the Help I need is likewise over my head but lives within my heart and supplies all the power-lifting assistance I need in ways that surprise me every day!

“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (Psalm 105:4 NIV)


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