Saturday, September 28, 2024

Message Received from a Dead Phone

This morning I woke up but my phone did not. And I was absolutely terrified.

It was the craziest thing. Like always, I turned on the light, put on my glasses and then tapped the phone to bring it to life…but nothing happened – I was still looking at the black screen. I tried everything I could think of… unplugging and then plugging it back in…tried turning it off… but the screen didn’t come alive and so I couldn’t “swipe” to turn the phone off and hopefully back on.

What scared me so badly was that I felt so completely alone and out of touch. I couldn’t call for help, get directions to the Apple store to get it fixed… even have access to my passwords to enable so many necessary functions! I quickly got up and dressed in case I had accidentally called the “Emergency SOS” number in my attempts to restart my device - I didn’t want any paramedics who might arrive to see me in my pajamas! I went to take the dog out but stopped to plug my phone in using the charger cord in the living room instead of the one in my bedroom… and the phone came back on! What relief! I was suddenly as thankful as I had earlier been fearful.

Apparently it was just a fluke, as the phone is working fine now… or was it? There’s a reason the enemy attacks first thing in the morning, before I’ve had a chance to “dress myself” properly in my devotional time. I’m especially vulnerable at that time of day. Maybe God was sending a message I needed to receive.

Once I got my coffee and had calmed down, I tried to think of how I should prepare myself in the chance that it might happen again. And turning to God first thing every morning… turning my “God” on… is so much more important than turning on my phone! Funny that God was able to use a seemingly dead phone to get that message through!

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 NKJV)


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