Friday, September 27, 2024

Unraveling Mistakes and Knitting Hearts Together

One of the things I like most about knitting is that you can take back mistakes.

You can’t do that in life. Words can’t be unspoken, deeds can’t be undone, hearts can’t be unbroken. You can live with them, learn from them… but not erase them completely.

You can do that in knitting. You can take back the stitches to the point before the mistake occurred and start again, avoiding the error you made the first time. No evidence of the first mistake remains.

I ran into one of my mistakes yesterday while shopping for yarn. He was driving a motorized cart in the same direction I was headed, to the checkout lane at the front of the store. I stared at him discreetly for a bit to make sure it was him. He had aged some (haven’t we all?), but in the end, there was no mistaking him.

I wish I could say that I went up to him and said hello. Normally I love running into people I haven’t seen for a time while I’m out and about. But the relationship ended on a bad note, with us on opposite sides of an issue that ended up dividing a church and breaking what was once a close fellowship. I was sure he no longer considered me a friend.

Truth is, he’s probably forgiven and forgotten the events that caused me to avoid him rather than approach, lost surely in significance to the bigger battles he’s faced since. He would probably have welcomed the greeting and the chance to chat.

I’m sorry now that I missed the chance to do exactly that.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV)


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