Monday, May 20, 2024

Morning Musings

Sitting on the back deck in the beauty of the morning, enjoying my surroundings… the fresh fullness of the newly-garbed trees in the woods… the sunlight beaming on the outstretched leaves of the potted and in-ground plants… the birdsong filling my ears… the gentle breeze fanning my skin. I have a new-found appreciation for the setting God has set me in… to think that I get to live in this place!!! It’s such an incredible answer to a long-ago prayer. I’m simply grateful.

How quickly springtime is moving into summer! I feel that the days are rushing by. Ann Voskamp says that the way to slow time is to give thanks… that one’s appreciation of the moment and expressed gratitude for it hold it suspended in time for a bit – perhaps so we can soak in it and absorb it into our souls… like nutrients our bodies, minds, and spirits need… true soul food.

The passage of the seasons of my life seems to be accelerating as well as I age… or maybe my appreciation of each is just deeper, aware as I am that none of us know how many more of them we have left to enjoy.

I love what I read in Ann’s blog this morning: “The best way to prepare for what’s ahead is to be present to what is now.” And so I sit, doing exactly that.

Every time I see a red-bellied woodpecker now and hear its throaty call, I wonder if it’s the same one whose life nearly ended the other day (see earlier blog post) and if he is deeply thankful to be seeing and enjoying this new one.

So am I.

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

(Psalm 118:24 KJV)


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